24 May 2011


I have a longer post in the works but I haven't had time to finish it. Instead, as I get ready to go to class tonight, I wanted to share a couple of things that have inspired me over the last few days.

First, on a personal level, I had the opportunity last week to attend an academic awards program for my sweetie's daughter. She and her brother are graduating high school and she is off to university this fall to study chemical engineering. As each of the students were announced, the host shared with us the students background and future plans. Needless to say, all of these students rank among the highest in their class, and all have big dreams. One of the young women honored had started the school year five weeks late due to open heart surgery. She was able to not only catch up with her classmates but excel in her classes! I wondered at what determination that took. Difficult to fathom, but a lesson on setting your goals and realizing them.

Second, while enjoying the pro golfers' annual visit to town at Colonial, we saw a man who has been very inspiring to a great many people for several years. DJ Gregory suffers from cerebral palsy. However, he has not let this deter him from his dreams -- one of which was to walk all four rounds of each tournament on the PGA schedule. Since 2008, he has done so. Early Friday evening, after rain had suspended play, we were sitting in the stands at the 8th green, watching the last few groups attempt to finish before darkness engulfed the course. I spied a man walking along the path toward the green with the aid of a cane and accompanied by an assistant. It was Mr. Gregory. He moved slowly and methodically but with a sense of ease. He was stopped by a couple of patrons who talked with him briefly. He was smiling and gracious to all, then continued on his way.

Talk about bengal tiger strength, and English bulldog determination.

There is a video from 2008 about him at ESPN. It is 12 minutes but well worth the watch. Click here.


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